Lynx Software

855 Embedded Way
San Jose, CA 95138
Lynx Software
Articles related to Lynx Software
Software & OS

Will 2022 Be the Year that Embedded Will Embrace the Open Source Model? - Blog

January 04, 2022

For a few years now, using the open source model in safety-critical applications has felt like the next frontier. There’s no doubt about the diverse, innovative technologies and products that have sprung from open source software. So, it’s not surprising that the open source model has caught the attention of companies that deploy mission- and safety- critical applications, such as in the aerospace and defense, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, industrial, and autonomous vehicle industries, and made them wonder: Can we get some of that?


You Will Be Hacked. Be Ready For It - Story

June 23, 2021

When I started the research for this article, I was looking for how OEMs could keep their systems safe from hackers. By the time I finished the research, it became clear to me that my vision was not accurate. You can not design a system that can’t breached, unless it’s one that does not connect to the outside world.

Software & OS

Embedded Systems: The Big Picture - Story

April 14, 2021

Over my 30+ year career, I've worked in various roles within the hardware value chain and have been amazed (and frustrated) at the extraordinary capability that’s being enabled out of effectively refined sand, in addition to the inability of the industry to extract relevant value for those hundreds of millions of transistors.

Open Source

Embedded Executives: Jean Labrosse, Former CEO, Micrium - Video

June 03, 2020

I discussed with Jean Labrosse, who is the former Founder and CEO of Micrium, a guy who knows more than most about dealing with open source.